I was shopping around teleporting few places, and saw a lady exposing her beast.
I'm so sure that this was unintentional.
She was wearing rigged mesh clothes, and I believe her alpha layer was not loaded correctly.
The possibility is the load was not right on my side.
Of course I can not take snapshots of her or post them on my blog, so I'm going to skip that part.
I felt sorry for the lady who's breast was protruding from her clothes...
There could be so many reasons why things just don't load up right in Second Life.
It could be PC just being to slow, or SIM being too laggy, bad internet connection, you name it.
To stay on the safe side, I recommend wearing undies.
Even if alpha layer fails to be loaded properly, if you have undies on, you won't have to worry about
exposing your behind, or your breast.