more like it!


2012年05月29日 19:16

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Few days ago, I went to an RPG sim called Kingdom Of Sand.
For detail please refer to below link

It's a beautiful sim and I'm going there again to take some more snapshots.
One thing I had in mind was the outfit.
Actually I do not know anything about Arabian clothes, but I found this one and to my eyes
this looks very much Arabian.

Costume: Shahrazad Outfit ~TWILIGHT ~ by Caverna Obscura
Bangle: Djinnie Jewelry Set by Caverna Obscura
Piers: *ARGRACE TEnderness (Jewelry set)
Hand: Yabusaka Mesh Hand For SLAV (naked)
Shoes: Djinnie Harem Slippers CREAM by Caverna Obscura
