Denim Jacket (Blueberry)


2013年10月05日 14:55

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I went to Blueberry after getting a group notice of their latest product.
Their latest release was a corset, but what I laid my eyes on was a jacket next to it.

I also liked the shoes they dispayed with it, but I though the skirt was too short.

I wanted to wear something inside the jacket and decided to wear a shirt from erratic.
the kahki shorts is also from erratic.

Hair: Truth Tilly - burgundy
Sun Glass: - sunglasses MANTESS / V1.1 - REDGRVE
Jacket: Blueberry Jeyda *Mesh* Jacket Light Denim
Shirt: erratic / basics - longshirt /lights white
Shorts: erratic /briony - shorts / beige
shoes: Blueerry Jeyda *Mesh* Platform Sneaker Boots Beige