Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
I did some more tweaking of my shape.
Made a little adjustment to my eyes and lips.
Still got lot more to go for perfect look...
That would not stop me from shopping lol
I didn't feel confotable with the hair I was wearing.
Don't get me wrong, the hair itself is very good hair.
It just did not match the image I was aiming.
I went to Exile.
tried out several hairs and decided to buy this one.
::Exile:: Part of Me: Naturals
I was looking for an alternative skin.
My usual skin is
Snow Rabbit Hybrid Avatar Nae.
That won't change.
But there are places where highly scripted/detailed mesh avatars are not allowed to enter.
In those places I would have to be in conventional avatar.
Now I have two options, which is either
S@R w005 from Snow Rabbit or
Essences - Emma.
(I have lot more in my inventory, but those are outdated or just did not match up with my preference.)
I think I will stick to Emma for few more days and flip back to my usual one.