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Wazzup guys. Oscar here again.

All of the sudden, I'm a prisoner.

The reason is because so called service disruption caused by LL's maintenance won't allow me to wear any prim, sculpted prim, or mesh items. This means I can not wear my prim hair, no prim skirt. no rigged mesh dress, no nothing!
How would I feel like going out or even go shopping? So, in this sense, I'm trapped in my bedroom.
There is no way I would go out bald!!!

Well... I did lol

It was my friends idea to go to a prison and take snapshot with bald hair and prisoners clothes.
I took one snapshot with few of my friends at Abashiri prison. (famous prison located in Hokkaido Japan)
Unfortunately, the snapshot I took did not come out good, so I had to retake pictures.
Instead of going back to Abashiri, I went to Alcatraz.

Pictures from here on was taken at my studio.
I bought this cell from a pose shop name Reel Expression. It comes with many poses.


Posted by Oscar at 17:36Comments(0)diary


Cozy Grassland

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
I came to a place name Noweeta Grassland. I found this place on Second Life Destination guide.

There are many tables where you can bring your friends and have a little chat.

They also offer balloon and horse ride!


Posted by Oscar at 10:59Comments(0)tourism


Something for Summer!

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
Since I was able to log in today, why not shop!
Shopaholic like me just have to shop lol

I swung by JANE to see if they came up with new products.
I saw this one. Something I would love to wear in summer.
Although there are so many more month ahead for Japan to reach the season of summer.
Buying clothes ahead wouldn't harm at all. right?

JANE - every day shorts eggshell
JANE - fufu tutu.salmon  

Posted by Oscar at 18:09Comments(0)fashion


My Friend's Cafe

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

It's been so many days since I last posted an article.
I'm extremely busy, but I'm always finding some time to log into Second Life.
Today, I was able to log in, and came to find out that my friend's cafe is up and running now.

A beach front cafe. The view is awesome!

this is how the interior looks like.

For the availability of staff, check the http://sl-link.com/

look for this picture

I may not be around all the time, but I do help when the place is under staffed.


Posted by Oscar at 11:55Comments(0)diary


mesh overall

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I barely made it online lol
Ain't got much time so ain't gonna say much.

EVALE Peekaboo Tank Black
[Fall In] - Overalls -Black
Slink Womens Natural Barefeet (Mesh Rigged)


Posted by Oscar at 16:22Comments(0)fashion