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mesh Body Suit

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I went to M&M and found a body suit called Cat Suit.
One thing about mesh body and body suit is better geometry.
body line is lot better than SL avatar shape.
took few snapshots so check it out.

M&M catsuit-E-MESH  

Posted by Oscar at 22:52Comments(0)fashion


Cute Poses

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Someone like me who loves taking snapshots has a tendency of finding poses where ever they go.

I think I was searching for something else, ended up going to this pose shop.
The name of the shop is PNP.

I found a set of very cute poses.
Name of the set is PNP ~ Temptress set1 and set2.

According to online dictionary
temptress means a woman who sets out to allure or seduce a man or men; seductress

Despite the meaning of the word, I think these poses are very cute!

Let me write some information about the clothes I'm wearing.

* Zero Style *NekoMimi*All Color Pack
* Zero Style *Yaya*Darks
:::B@R::Pink Maid ME

Oh. One thing I wanted to mention.
Have you ever had problem wearing hair when having lighting and shadows setting on?
I actually did this morning. What happened was that when I have the setting on, portion of my head went bald.
I tried editing the hair to cover the bald spot but just did not work. Out of my wits end
I wore alpha layer that came with mesh hair. That took care of the problem.
I you have similar symptom, I recommend alpha layer.

*(A picture I posted at the very top is not from PNP. It is one of the pose from *Luth* Posing Stool)  

Posted by Oscar at 22:00Comments(0)photography


Short Hair

Hello everyone Oscar here again.

If you had been reading my blog, you may have already noticed.
I prefer short hair rather than long hair.

I bought two short hair today.

First one is this.

*Zero Style*Yaya*Darks

And second one is this.
[Raspberry] Fala Hair -Rassie Pack


Posted by Oscar at 14:56Comments(0)fashion


Boston Chair

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I bought a Boston Chair! it's looks so comfortable!!!
This chair is mesh and looks very real.

Name of the store I went to is Just Design

This is the chair I bought.

It comes with more than 15 animations!!!


Posted by Oscar at 11:49Comments(0)shopping


Cybertron Evolution

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

My reality turned out to be less busy than I thought.
So I opened up my laptop during my break time and visited Cybertron Evolution.

This SIM is one of those RP SIM.
I'm not interested in RP so I will not go into detail of that portion.

Scenery of the SIM wonderful.
I can spend hours just sitting there gazing at detailed structures illuminating in the dusk.


Posted by Oscar at 13:24Comments(0)tourism