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Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I have been writing about breast implant since yesterday.
The one I bought is Lolas Tango.

I searched for shops that would have clothing compatible with this implant.
I found this one. Let me post the pictures first.

:::B@R::: Maid Type 4L
You can find this product at Bare Rose Outfit for Lolas Tango Mesh Breast.

There are quite few clothes out there that works with Lolas mesh breast.
All the clothes I saw was conventional layer and prim clothing.
This is pretty understandable considering how this implant works.

I will briefly cover how it works for those who have no knowledge of this product.

To wear this breast, simply attach the mesh breast implant.
Clicking the breast would give you dialog.
This is where you can change the settings.
Choose the color that is closest to your skin.
Wear corresponding skin fixer.

To wear clothes, wear all the layer clothes and prim attachments.
click on the implant.
From dialog select clothing.
(At this point, your breast will be exposed and other parts of your body is covered with clothes.)

If you are going to wear tube top, select tube top.
Wear applier and click it. (applier can come in a form of HUD or an object)
(Breast will be covered with matching texture.)


my conclusion or I should say my personal opinion is;

If you are into big boobs this is what you want.
The breast is beautifully made with Mesh.
There are many compatible clothes.

If you do not care much about the size, don't buy it.

I'm not a great fan of big boobs so I really did not have to buy this.
But at least now I know how this implant works and how popular it has become.
Buying this implant set me back 1700L$. I think I will keep it on for just few more days.
I will post pictures if I buy more clothes.

Oops! My lunch break is almost over!
Got to hurry up and eat and get back to work.
See you soon! Until then, ciao XOXO


Posted by Oscar at 12:34Comments(0)shopping


Cute Poses

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Someone like me who loves taking snapshots has a tendency of finding poses where ever they go.

I think I was searching for something else, ended up going to this pose shop.
The name of the shop is PNP.

I found a set of very cute poses.
Name of the set is PNP ~ Temptress set1 and set2.

According to online dictionary
temptress means a woman who sets out to allure or seduce a man or men; seductress

Despite the meaning of the word, I think these poses are very cute!

Let me write some information about the clothes I'm wearing.

* Zero Style *NekoMimi*All Color Pack
* Zero Style *Yaya*Darks
:::B@R::Pink Maid ME

Oh. One thing I wanted to mention.
Have you ever had problem wearing hair when having lighting and shadows setting on?
I actually did this morning. What happened was that when I have the setting on, portion of my head went bald.
I tried editing the hair to cover the bald spot but just did not work. Out of my wits end
I wore alpha layer that came with mesh hair. That took care of the problem.
I you have similar symptom, I recommend alpha layer.

*(A picture I posted at the very top is not from PNP. It is one of the pose from *Luth* Posing Stool)  

Posted by Oscar at 22:00Comments(0)photography