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Animation! (akeyo)

Hello everyone Oscar here again.

I went to AKEYO to buy some animation for my AO.

Ended up buying the whole animation with AO HUD.

This is how it looks like.

What is so good about this HUD is that when you buy animation at AKEYO
The HUD will know that you purchased them and automatically puts those anime in the HUD.
This HUD may not be suitable for someone who is very keen on SL dancing
but for someone like me who just wants to loop series of animation at a club
this is what you would want to have.

I actually wanted to see how it works, so I bought a set of dance animation.

All the animation was automatically installed into the HUD.
You do not have to write note cards.

Now I can dance all I want anywhere!



Posted by Oscar at 16:03Comments(0)shopping


New Release Grasp

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I went to +grasp+ after getting a notice saying that they have released mesh denim shorts.

What I saw was not only the shorts but also bikers jacket and vest.

I took the demo and checked if it would fit to my avatar.
Like any other mesh product, I had to do a little bit of tweaking to my shape.
Once I confirmed it fits alright, I went back to the store and bought the vest and the shorts.

Let me show you the vest first.

I bought red vest. This vest comes with shirt.
Let me rephrase it. The vest and shirt is in one piece. You won't be able to take the shirt off.
If you are a kind of girl who wants to hide less, with this vest, you will be covered up pretty much.

For those who wants to choose what to wear inside the vest, there is nothing to worry.
The product comes with a HUD. With this HUD, you will have selection of six shirts to choose from.

The shorts does not have any fancy feature like the vest, but it look real good.
And it matches very well with the vest.

+grasp+/Denim short pants(mesh)/Red?womens
:::insanya:::Submit Boots- Red

Posted by Oscar at 09:45Comments(0)shopping


Mesh Dotty Dress

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I stopped by American Bazaar main store and shopping mall.
Group noticed said it is their last day of the SIM opening event.

I came here when this even started and went back few times.
So I pretty much knew what was sold there, but since it's the last day
why not go again. Right?

I went through all the shops and eventually decided to buy a dress
at American Bazaar.

[AB] MESH Dotty Dress Orange

I came to realize that I had messed up the graphic setting when I took above pictures.
I took few more and post them below.

Posted by Oscar at 04:35Comments(0)shopping