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Shopping for The Day2

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I bought awesome looking clothes at Maitreya and a pair of sandals from Slink.
For detail, please refer to the below link.

Took more snapshots using Nirans Viewer.


Posted by Oscar at 20:06Comments(0)photography


Shopping for The Day

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

My busy real life came to a truce and I'm enjoying shopping in Second Life.
I will have to go back to my reality again tomorrow, so I'm going to have a ball today.

I had nothing specific in mind and just went around few stores to see if I can find anything that would interest me.

When I stopped by Maitreya, I found something I would want to wear today.

After that I wen to SLINK and bought a pair of sandals.

I had white and blue but today I needed brown.

I wore them and took couple of snapshots.

These snapshots were taken with Firestorm Viewer.
I will take several more with Nirans Viewer and post them.

Maitreya Cupio-Basics Top * Tan
Maitreya Mesh Flare Jeans #4
Slink Ilena Sandals Brown


Posted by Oscar at 17:11Comments(0)shopping


More from Hope For Emilia

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Here is one more thing I bough at Hope For Emilia.

Elmont - Daylight Sundress -Noir

Posted by Oscar at 20:32Comments(0)shopping


Modeling Chair

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

When I went to Hope For Emilia Event, I bought few things aside from
the poses I took snapshots and posted last time.

This is one of them.

It is a Modeling chair and it contains 23 poses!

I took snapshots of several poses selectively.

Hope For Emilia Event area entrance

Diesel Works in Hope For Emilia Event area

Posted by Oscar at 14:05Comments(0)shopping



First of all, I will have to say sorry for posting similar pictures again.

I came to find out that the snapshots I took was saved as jpeg.
after editing them, I saved them with jpeg again.
This causes very much noticeable deterioration to the picture quality.
I hate when this happens!!!

It seems like I have to save a snapshot once using ctrl+shift+s feature
and choose png. Once I do that, snapshots from this on will be save as png
even if I use ctrl+@

Eventually I have to save all the pictures in jpeg to upload to blog server
but difference are quite obvious.

First 6 photos are saved with png, edited and saved as jpeg.
Last 6 photos are saved with jpeg, edited and saved as jpeg.


Please visit Hope For Emilia Event. You will find many apparel shops and few pose shops!

If there is anyone who knows how to set png as a default format to save snapshots.
Please tell me how in the comment.   

Posted by Oscar at 19:29Comments(0)photography