Shirt House Of Torn
Ka Tink
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Ka Tink has officially announced the weekend 60L$ sale today.
This shop is former PnP.
I went there and bought one of their product.
The product name is Ka Tink - Dramland 4.
This one was not one of the discount product but I loved it so I had to buy it.
I did not edit snapshots this time. well... I sort of did since I added boarders
but other than that, I did not do anything.
I used two flattened prim box.
one for back ground and one for floor.
Applied same textures to both of them.
Flip and turn one of them to make it a floor.
Find the right spot where two pictures merges.

I know studio set is nothing new in Second Life.
But beautiful forest can be very laggy because there are so many trees and grasses.
With cutting edge very fast PC, that may not be a problem.
But not all the people has expensive PCs.
Using these studio set up allow everyone to take wonderful snapshots without
extreme PC power.
Oh. And the clothes I'm wearing now is:
=Dela*=Mesh Hair"Mercy" Brown1
Blueberry Ella *Mesh* Dress in Purple
Blueberry Sheril *Mesh* Boots Purple

Ka Tink has officially announced the weekend 60L$ sale today.
This shop is former PnP.
I went there and bought one of their product.
The product name is Ka Tink - Dramland 4.
This one was not one of the discount product but I loved it so I had to buy it.
I did not edit snapshots this time. well... I sort of did since I added boarders
but other than that, I did not do anything.

I used two flattened prim box.
one for back ground and one for floor.
Applied same textures to both of them.
Flip and turn one of them to make it a floor.
Find the right spot where two pictures merges.

I know studio set is nothing new in Second Life.
But beautiful forest can be very laggy because there are so many trees and grasses.
With cutting edge very fast PC, that may not be a problem.
But not all the people has expensive PCs.
Using these studio set up allow everyone to take wonderful snapshots without
extreme PC power.
Oh. And the clothes I'm wearing now is:
=Dela*=Mesh Hair"Mercy" Brown1
Blueberry Ella *Mesh* Dress in Purple
Blueberry Sheril *Mesh* Boots Purple