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My bedroom set

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
My bedroom set

Today I'm going to show you my bedroom set.
What I mean set here is not about a number of things of the same kind that belong or are used together.
It is an artificial setting for a scene of a theatrical or film production.
(copied from Webster)

As you can see, exterior is nothing but a beat up wood board put to together forming a box.
My bedroom set
The stairs you see is from Reel Expression and it contains twelve poses.

Let me show you the interior.
My bedroom set

I had been using this bed for a little while, but the table and couch is new.
My bedroom set

Let's take a look at the bed. This bed is from Clutter. There are various poses in this bed.
FYI. There are no sex poses in this bed, just ordinary PG pose.
My bedroom set
My bedroom set

This is the new table set that I bought recently from [Rooms]
(In this case, set means a number of things of the same kind that belong or are used together.)
My bedroom set

The set also came with this couch.
My bedroom set

I also have few more things with poses in it.
such as this one.
My bedroom set
I don't know what you call this in Japanese or in English as well...
The name of the product is [GOLA]Like a virgin. This one contains six poses.

Another chair! This on is from Reel Expression. This chair contains twelve poses.
My bedroom set

And lastly, a window!
My bedroom set
This window is also from Reel Expression. This window contains five poses.

I still have a wall with poses. I think I will swap out one of the current wall with the pose wall soon.

Love this jeans!
Sailboat prop
3D Stereogram
Throw back 1
 Railing (2015-09-11 23:04)
 Love this jeans! (2015-09-03 02:47)
 Sailboat prop (2015-09-01 23:11)
 3D Stereogram (2015-08-14 11:48)
 Reflection (2015-06-22 21:34)
 Throw back 1 (2015-06-20 09:23)
Posted by Oscar at 10:45│Comments(0)photography