Busy Days
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I will be very busy for the next few weeks, and I may not be able to log into Second Life as much as I used to.
But I love Second Life. I'm sure I will find the way to find some time to log in and update blog.
It's just that It won't be as frequent as it used to.

well... gotta go for now. I will try to write some article if I can this afternoon.
Until then, see ya!

I will be very busy for the next few weeks, and I may not be able to log into Second Life as much as I used to.
But I love Second Life. I'm sure I will find the way to find some time to log in and update blog.
It's just that It won't be as frequent as it used to.

well... gotta go for now. I will try to write some article if I can this afternoon.
Until then, see ya!
Posted by Oscar at 08:58│Comments(0)