Girly things!
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I placed many free things I found in Second Life Marketplace.
They all look pretty good, but the only thing that was lacking was
just a little bit of a woman's touch.
I searched some more in the Marketplace and found few things.
This time, it is not free.
Guess what this is!

its a huge adorable bear you can sit on!

Stuffed Giraffe! It is so cute!!

Stuffed Zebra with animations!

This zebra can animate your avatar.
you can do sit ups, push ups, roll, and so on.
you can find all these in Second Life Marketplace.

I placed many free things I found in Second Life Marketplace.
They all look pretty good, but the only thing that was lacking was
just a little bit of a woman's touch.
I searched some more in the Marketplace and found few things.
This time, it is not free.
Guess what this is!

its a huge adorable bear you can sit on!

Stuffed Giraffe! It is so cute!!

Stuffed Zebra with animations!

This zebra can animate your avatar.
you can do sit ups, push ups, roll, and so on.
you can find all these in Second Life Marketplace.
Posted by Oscar at 20:31│Comments(0)