Larry sculpted hem
Hello Everyone. Oscar here again.

Larry's jeans has been one of my favorite, and I have quite amount of them.
Tight and sexy, Well drawn textures. The only thing was that their jeans did not have prim parts.
many jeans sold in Second Life now a days has prim/sculpted parts included.
Larry's jeans never had one.
Now they came up with sculpted parts. It is free and you can get them at Second Life Marketplace.
Of course jeans is not included, Only sculpted hem. below is the URL
This is a picture without sculpted hem.

The rest of the pictures are with hem.

Larry's jeans has been one of my favorite, and I have quite amount of them.
Tight and sexy, Well drawn textures. The only thing was that their jeans did not have prim parts.
many jeans sold in Second Life now a days has prim/sculpted parts included.
Larry's jeans never had one.
Now they came up with sculpted parts. It is free and you can get them at Second Life Marketplace.
Of course jeans is not included, Only sculpted hem. below is the URL
This is a picture without sculpted hem.

The rest of the pictures are with hem.

Posted by Oscar at 23:25│Comments(0)