Pink Ribbon Fair
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I went to Pink Ribbon Fair.
I know about this event, but didn't have the chance to actually go there.
Day before yesterday, I was able to go there.
Pink Ribbon Fair is a fundraising event for American Cancer Society.
According the what I read there;
breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for all women
and the leading overall cause of cancer death in woman between the age of 20 and 59.
The scenery of the Pink Ribbon Fair site is stunning.

I bought few things from there.
*MonCheri+ Crochet Detailed Top -light pink
*MonCheri* Printed Skirt -Pink

Gok-Cropped Denim Vest Minnie PInk

I went to Pink Ribbon Fair.
I know about this event, but didn't have the chance to actually go there.
Day before yesterday, I was able to go there.
Pink Ribbon Fair is a fundraising event for American Cancer Society.
According the what I read there;
breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for all women
and the leading overall cause of cancer death in woman between the age of 20 and 59.
The scenery of the Pink Ribbon Fair site is stunning.

I bought few things from there.

*MonCheri+ Crochet Detailed Top -light pink
*MonCheri* Printed Skirt -Pink

Gok-Cropped Denim Vest Minnie PInk
Maitreya Hipster
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
Posted by Oscar at 14:17│Comments(0)