Mesh Boots!
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Believe it or not, Blueberry released mesh boots!
They just put new skirt and low rise jeans out few days a go and now new boots!

I came to a place name Bay City Municipal Land.
Nice cozy park like place surrounded by canal.
There is a trolley boat you can ride that goes around the sim.

Lenox Crop Top White
Blueberry Linda *Mesh* Shorts Blue
Blueberry Sherie *Mesh* Boots Blue
You will find Lenox inside Blueberry.
Products on the right side of the wall seems to be Lenox.

Believe it or not, Blueberry released mesh boots!
They just put new skirt and low rise jeans out few days a go and now new boots!

I came to a place name Bay City Municipal Land.
Nice cozy park like place surrounded by canal.
There is a trolley boat you can ride that goes around the sim.

Lenox Crop Top White
Blueberry Linda *Mesh* Shorts Blue
Blueberry Sherie *Mesh* Boots Blue
You will find Lenox inside Blueberry.
Products on the right side of the wall seems to be Lenox.
Maitreya Hipster
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
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Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
Posted by Oscar at 09:56│Comments(0)