Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

How's my balance? lol
As I wrote on my previous article, I cam back to Fotoscope.
It's really a nice place to stop by to take snapshots.
It would be so nice to have some time to go out in woods
and sit against a tree stump and read like this.

Wish I can paint like this.

Endangered species? Yeah right.

Do not click? Sure... what's the big deal. I will click it anyway...

This is not endangered species! This is extraterrestrial!!! LMAO
Fotoscope, such a fun place to hang out.

How's my balance? lol
As I wrote on my previous article, I cam back to Fotoscope.
It's really a nice place to stop by to take snapshots.
It would be so nice to have some time to go out in woods
and sit against a tree stump and read like this.

Wish I can paint like this.

Endangered species? Yeah right.

Do not click? Sure... what's the big deal. I will click it anyway...

This is not endangered species! This is extraterrestrial!!! LMAO
Fotoscope, such a fun place to hang out.
Posted by Oscar at 20:34│Comments(0)