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The Trap 3.0

Hello everyone. Oscar on the scene!
The Trap 3.0
Today I came to a place called The trap 3.0.

Here is what Trap thing is all about.
The Trap 3.0
I'm also going to type up what's written on the sign board in the picture.
The Trap 3.0 is an over 10,000 Years old Alien Artefact.
Till today we do not understand the Purpose of it.

The Trap is a Labyrinth
Only a few will be able to find the way out.

Please take here a rescue Landmark before you enter The Trap 3.0
Use it if you get lost.


What I'm going to show you here is just a glimpse of what you find here at The Trap.
I will not write any answers such as take which path when you reach this place.

This is the entrance of The Trap 3.0.
The Trap 3.0

As you enter The Trap, you will find yourself in a small room.
You can walk through one of the wall so find the wall and go to the next room.
Keep doing that until you reach the goal of this level.
The Trap 3.0

When you reach the goal of each level, you will see this sign.
The Trap 3.0

A monitor with blood splashed all over it... pretty spooky.
The Trap 3.0
Next level was a piece of cake. Find the right path.
Transparent wall is blocking the way if you choose the wrong one.

Next level
The Trap 3.0

Here is another choose the right patch.
Not the answer, but a little hint or a tip is...
When you click the gate, make sure you bring your camera close enough to the gate.
You can fly back up if you chose the wrong one.
The Trap 3.0

If you chose the right path, you will see three huge holes going deep into the ground.
The Trap 3.0
Choose the right hole to fall.

If you chose the right hole to fall, you should be seeing this.
The Trap 3.0
huge rotating blades blocking your way.
This blade will not hurt you. It just blocks you.
Go through between the blades and find a stairs going up.

The stairs you find will lead you to this overhead passage that connects you to the next level.
The Trap 3.0

Going to the next level!
The Trap 3.0

This is what I saw right by the sign board. It's awesome so I had to take picture.
The Trap 3.0

Going up the slope passing by the shining statue, you will find a door in front of you.
The Trap 3.0
The door opens when you click them.
This level could be the most hardest of all level.
It is a cubical rooms connected to each other.
Each cubical has few doors that gives you access to the adjacent cubical.
Your task here is to go to the right direction or else you will end up going around and around.
If you step out from wrong doors, you will fall outside.

Seems like someone didn't make it...
The Trap 3.0

Made it!!! going to the next level!!!
The Trap 3.0

Another choose the right path.
The Trap 3.0

Next level!!!
The Trap 3.0

This is where you have to fly up. There is a duct running up that leads you to another room.
The Trap 3.0

Here I come!
The Trap 3.0

This is what you will see when you reach the room above.
The Trap 3.0
There are huge duct tubes on each side of the room leading you down somewhere.
Choose the right one.

Choosing the right duct tube, you will come to a room below with two more duct tube.
The Trap 3.0
Gotta choose the right one again!


The Trap 3.0
I have survived The Trap 3.0.

I have changed my sky setting to something dark and misty.
If you don't like it, just go with midday setting.
The Trap 3.0


If you are interested in what I'm wearing, please refer to the below link.
The only thing is that this article is written in Japanese.

It all starts with a smile
Premium Wilderness 2
Premium Wilderness 1
 CyberCity (2013-04-08 12:44)
 It all starts with a smile (2013-03-05 11:10)
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Posted by Oscar at 12:58│Comments(0)tourism