Sky Forest
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
I have created a small forest in my sky!
Actually it is my friend's land so I can not really say "my sky".
though she is been very generous to me and kind enough
to let me do almost anything I wish to do.

I know there is not enough trees to call it a forest
but the only reason I created such thing is for photography.
I don't have to teleport around second life if I have my own
woods or forest or meadow or whatever.
I'm shopaholic and not buildaholic so I bought these trees and flower and so on.
It came in a package. The product name is
Heart-VR-Mountain Pine Forest & Summer FLower Meadow.
I got this from Second Life Marketplace.

Bought few props as well.
This bicycle is from {what next}
Very fun place to go. They have many poses, furniture and props.
Poses are awesome and objects they create looks great.

I think I'm becoming prop mania lol
I have created a small forest in my sky!
Actually it is my friend's land so I can not really say "my sky".
though she is been very generous to me and kind enough
to let me do almost anything I wish to do.

I know there is not enough trees to call it a forest
but the only reason I created such thing is for photography.
I don't have to teleport around second life if I have my own
woods or forest or meadow or whatever.
I'm shopaholic and not buildaholic so I bought these trees and flower and so on.
It came in a package. The product name is
Heart-VR-Mountain Pine Forest & Summer FLower Meadow.
I got this from Second Life Marketplace.

Bought few props as well.
This bicycle is from {what next}
Very fun place to go. They have many poses, furniture and props.
Poses are awesome and objects they create looks great.

I think I'm becoming prop mania lol
Posted by Oscar at 13:11│Comments(0)