Horror Show! lol
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I love the jeans and belt I got from Connors Halloween Hunt.
If you want to know what I'm talking about
please refer to the below link.
I had to find something that goes well with this jeans.
I remembered CHEEKY has t-shirts with freaky prints on.
Flew to CHEEKY and bought this black t-shirt with a print of skull.

I feel someone is following me. I also hear foot steps behind me....
well.... anyway
The combination of this shirt and jeans turned out to be
lot better than I thought and..............


I know I had been talking a lot about Halloween lately
but it's not Halloween yet!!!
Why The F**k is this thing following me!!!!

That's all for now folks

I love the jeans and belt I got from Connors Halloween Hunt.
If you want to know what I'm talking about
please refer to the below link.
I had to find something that goes well with this jeans.
I remembered CHEEKY has t-shirts with freaky prints on.
Flew to CHEEKY and bought this black t-shirt with a print of skull.

I feel someone is following me. I also hear foot steps behind me....
well.... anyway
The combination of this shirt and jeans turned out to be
lot better than I thought and..............


I know I had been talking a lot about Halloween lately
but it's not Halloween yet!!!
Why The F**k is this thing following me!!!!

That's all for now folks
Posted by Oscar at 20:02│Comments(0)