Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Oscar's Shopping Diary is not a shopping diary today.
It is more like an ordinary diary.
For the passed few days, things are just not right.
Things just turn out wrong…
2013 has just started but few unfavorable things have happened already.
I wonder how the rest of the year is going to be.
Just gotta cross my finger and wish things are going get better soon.
I will not go out for shopping today.
Perhaps tomorrow.

Oscar's Shopping Diary is not a shopping diary today.
It is more like an ordinary diary.
For the passed few days, things are just not right.
Things just turn out wrong…
2013 has just started but few unfavorable things have happened already.
I wonder how the rest of the year is going to be.
Just gotta cross my finger and wish things are going get better soon.
I will not go out for shopping today.
Perhaps tomorrow.
Posted by Oscar at 22:28│Comments(0)