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Many? Few? things lol

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Today I have many things to write about or maybe I can say few lol.

Many? Few? things lol

First off, I would want to write about this avatar.
Some of you may already know, but this avatar is S@R Hybrid Avatar from Snow Rabbit.
This product is going to be released on 15th of march 2013 at Skin Fair 2013.
I know I know. Why would I have it before the release date, right?
Actually this one is a beta version. Pretty much close to what is going to be release on 15th.
The reason why I have this is because I did the translation of user's manual and Q&A for this product. When translating, there are times you just have to see it to understand it.
The creator was kind enough to supply me with the beta version.
I had been holding this as well as the first testers version for quite some time, but of course having the product many people are waiting for before the release date requires discretion.

Until today, I was changing from S@RW005 to S@R Hybrid Avatar each and every time when I had to take snapshots for my BLOG. Today, I confirmed with the creator that I can post pictures of this avatar. So, here I am taking bunch of pictures with this amazing avatar.

The clothes I'm wearing in the picture above is from Blueberry
It is a combination of jacket and dress.
The jacket and dress comes in separate parts so if you wish to wear only the dress, that is very much possible.

Many? Few? things lol
The dance box prop is from Lost Angel. Very compact and fabulous looking dance box that comes with dance floor also.

Many? Few? things lol
And this red dress is from coldLogic.
Clothing from coldLogic never fails me.

Many? Few? things lol
My real life is still very busy, and I don't have much time to log into Second Life as I want to.
BLOG update is slowing down but I won't stop. I wish I can stay in Second Life all day!

No Shopping Today lol
Slink Physique
It's been a long time
Group Gift (M*Motion)
 Diary (2015-09-15 12:37)
 No Shopping Today lol (2015-09-07 22:46)
 Slink Physique (2015-07-12 22:21)
 Evolution (2015-06-18 12:00)
 It's been a long time (2015-03-09 17:17)
 Group Gift (M*Motion) (2014-04-27 20:48)
Posted by Oscar at 16:11│Comments(0)diary