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Props in My Sky Studio

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Today I would like to show you some of the props I have placed in my sky studio.
Taking snapshot is one of the major entrainment in Second Life.
I'm not really good at it, but I surely have fun.

To take snapshots, there are few things we would want to have.
One would be poses, and another one is most likely props.

Props would give a little taste to the snapshot.
Make avatar look more live and real.

Most of my props are from {what next}, very popular shop that holds many things ranging from furniture to outdoor items.

This is a cafe caravan from {what next}.
This shot is from the back side of the cafe. I'm taking a little break.
Props in My Sky Studio

This is the front side.
Looks awesome. And comes with several poses.
Props in My Sky Studio

I bought this ladder from Reel Expression.
Unfortunately, this shop is gone now. I can not find it anywhere.
I also searched Second Life Marketplace but couldn't find them.
If you know about this pose shop, please drop me a comment with SLURL.
This ladder comes with tons of poses.
Props in My Sky Studio

Another prop from Reel Expression.
This one came as a ... simple box with gray texture.
I swapped the texture to this gray brick one.
This one comes with tons of poses too.
Props in My Sky Studio

This moped is just wonderful.
Made of sculpted prim, looks very real, and of course it runs.
I bought this at 19 MOTORCYCE
Props in My Sky Studio

This phone booth is a product of {what next}.
Became one of my favorite.
Comes with several poses and even phone receiver that you can wear on your hand.
Props in My Sky Studio

I still have lot more props here and there, many of them are in my inventory.
If I have time, I may write more about it.

タグ :skystudioprops

Love this jeans!
Sailboat prop
3D Stereogram
Throw back 1
 Railing (2015-09-11 23:04)
 Love this jeans! (2015-09-03 02:47)
 Sailboat prop (2015-09-01 23:11)
 3D Stereogram (2015-08-14 11:48)
 Reflection (2015-06-22 21:34)
 Throw back 1 (2015-06-20 09:23)
Posted by Oscar at 14:18│Comments(0)photography