Lazy Jeans With shoes
Hello everyone Oscar here again.

ducknipple has released lazy jeans with shoes.
The shoes is optional so if you have any other shoes you want to wear
just wear the jeans without the shoes.
I remember having hard time finding a pair of shoes that does not interfere with jeans hem.
With this product, we do not have to worry about parts of shoes protruding from jeans.

One thing I have noticed is this

When avatar bents a little bit, hip portion protrudes from the jeans.
If alpha layer goes a bit more higher, this may not happen.
My avatar shape is set to S size standard sizing so basically any clothes that is made based on standard sizing should fit, but unfortunately this one showed a little bit of glitch. Of course adjusting shape, to be specific in this case, shrinking butt size would take care of the problem.
I love this jeans, I recommend them, but just got to remember that you may have to adjust your shape a little bit.
tank top: Blueberry Jennifer *Mesh* Tank Top Blue
Jeans: DN Mesh: LazyJeans & Shoes w HUD

ducknipple has released lazy jeans with shoes.
The shoes is optional so if you have any other shoes you want to wear
just wear the jeans without the shoes.
I remember having hard time finding a pair of shoes that does not interfere with jeans hem.
With this product, we do not have to worry about parts of shoes protruding from jeans.

One thing I have noticed is this

When avatar bents a little bit, hip portion protrudes from the jeans.
If alpha layer goes a bit more higher, this may not happen.
My avatar shape is set to S size standard sizing so basically any clothes that is made based on standard sizing should fit, but unfortunately this one showed a little bit of glitch. Of course adjusting shape, to be specific in this case, shrinking butt size would take care of the problem.
I love this jeans, I recommend them, but just got to remember that you may have to adjust your shape a little bit.
tank top: Blueberry Jennifer *Mesh* Tank Top Blue
Jeans: DN Mesh: LazyJeans & Shoes w HUD
Maitreya Hipster
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Alternative Skin
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Posted by Oscar at 20:22│Comments(0)