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Avatar Enhancement

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
Avatar Enhancement

There had been many kind of avatar enhancements that attracted the resident of Second Life.
I can only assume, but first avatar enhancement parts must have been prim hair.
soon after prim nail and eye lash came out.

After the implementation of mesh, hands and feet became popular.
Aside from hand and feet, mesh breast also became a popular item.
Needless to say, mesh head from Snow Rabbit was great hit this year.
Avatar Enhancement

Avatar Enhancement

Avatar Enhancement

Now something new became available as an avatar enhancement.
Many of you may already know but yes, it is a mesh butt.
Avatar Enhancement
Name of the product pretty much says what it is.
it is called "Phat Azz".

I attanched all the parts I have and took several snapshots.
I have to say, breast and hip parts are in extreme size.
If you like your breasts and buttock very big, you should definately buy these.

I think most of the ladies who would consider buying this product want their butt to look nice.
Mesh pants would do good enough if you are not into huge butt.

Below is SLURL of the store you can buy Phat Azz.

I took few snapshots with underwear. this would give you better piture of what this "Phat Azz" is all about.
For those of you who are offended by semi nudity. please do not scroll further.

Avatar Enhancement

Avatar Enhancement

Avatar Enhancement

Size of it is as I said pretty extreme. shape is great.
Second Life default butt is not pretty at all.

Will I wear this all the time? Probably not.
But I have to say this is one fun thing I should have and wear them when I feel like.
I will have to go look around to find very good pants/skirt for this mesh mesh butt.

タグ :phatazzmeshbutt

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 Maitreya Hipster (2015-09-16 15:26)
 Alternative Skin (2015-09-14 00:37)
 Red Feather Dress (2015-09-12 22:50)
 Sexy Stripe Dress (2015-09-10 22:34)
 Blue Hoodie (2015-09-08 23:36)
 New Release TRUTH HAIR (2015-09-06 22:22)
Posted by Oscar at 06:30│Comments(0)shopping