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Enhancement 3

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

This is the 3rd and most likely the last posting about avatar enhancement parts I will write.

Pictures contained in this article is all underwear shots.
The reason for this is to let everyone see how the connection between parts, such as SLink mesh hands, Lolas Tango, and Phat Azz would look like. I'm sure many of you are curious if the connection is smooth or not, and I won't be able to show you with clothes on. I have no intention of taking nude snapshots so underwear it is.

I will also write a little bit of tips so that you can see things correctly if you buy them.

Again. If you are offended by this type of pictures, by all means, please do not scroll down.

front side abdominal area and also breast area between avatar and mesh parts look smooth enough to me.
What do you think?
Enhancement 3

A shot from another angle. There is no gap or obvious color mismatch as far as I can see.
Enhancement 3

A shot from behind. Again. There is no apparent gap or color mismatch.
Looking at this shot, you should be able to tell that the shape of butt is way better than regular SL avatar.
Enhancement 3

The left is a feet from gos butique. this feet does not require blender.
The right is SLink feet. unfortunately this one requires blender layer.
How SLink feet works is as you may already know, firts tint the blender layer.
Write down RGB figure of the blender layer you tinted.
Use those figures in chat command to change the color of the feet to the matching color to the blener layer.
figuring out the value without blender layer is probalby very difficult of almost imposible.. at least to me lol
This gos boutique's feet is easy to tint. All it takes is few click on the HUD and I was able to get it this close.
Enhancement 3

As I wrote in the passed article, the size of boobs and butt is quite extreme.
This shot shows how big those are.
Enhancement 3
Tips to see these parts correctly
Turn off the advanced light settings.
Turn off local light setting.
enable atmosphereic shader.

Love this jeans!
Sailboat prop
3D Stereogram
Throw back 1
 Railing (2015-09-11 23:04)
 Love this jeans! (2015-09-03 02:47)
 Sailboat prop (2015-09-01 23:11)
 3D Stereogram (2015-08-14 11:48)
 Reflection (2015-06-22 21:34)
 Throw back 1 (2015-06-20 09:23)
Posted by Oscar at 21:03│Comments(0)photography