Sit (pose)
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

have you ever had an occation where you found good looking chair or any kind of object but it does not have any script or pose/animatoin in it?
This happened to me several times and I was simply using a prim, change the shape to sphere, sit, and use poses from my inventory.
I got tired of doing this, so I thought it would be a good chance for me to step up to next level.
I'm not creator or wanting to be one so the best I would do is buy other people's creation and put them together.
The reason why I decided to do this was because I was not able to find a wooden crate with poses in it.
I wanted to buy them as a prop for my sky studio.
I found many full permission crates but not the one with poses.
then It occured to me that what if I can add poses to it myself?
I saw free wooden crate in Second Life Marketplace.
All I need was a script.

I searched through the marketplace and found "Multi Animations Sit Script System v.01 Builder's Kit Set".
This product let's you put as much pose/animation to an object.
Read the detail of the product and it sounded simple enough for me to use them.
I actually bought it and went through the process of adding poses to the free crates.
The Multi Animations Sit Script System v.01 Builder's Kit consists of instruction note card, 2 scripts, a configuration note cared, several textures which shows how this system works, and a bean bag as a sample.

First thing you have to do is add two scripts and a #pose config note card to the object contents.
Just simply drag and drop from the inventory.
Then add pose or animation to the content.
Instruction saids you can add as much pose/animation as you want.
After adding poses and scripts, click on the object.
You will be sitting on the object but most of the time, you will be sitting all wrong.
In this case, I'm half way inside the box.

As you sit, a dialog appears in the corner of the screen.
If the current pose is the one you want to set up, click the control button.
If the pose you want to set up is another pose, click the pose button and select the pose you want.
Let's say you have selected the pose you want to set up.
Clicking on a control button brings up next dialog.

Click rotation if the pose needs rotation.
Click position if the position needs to be adjusted.
In this case, all I need to do is adjust the postion.
Clicking on position or rotation shows you a dialog we are pretty much familar with.
Use this dialog to adjust the positon.
When done, click on set position.
Set position store the position in the memory.
The position in the memory will disappear when the object is taken back to the inventory.
Eventually the position has to be written to the note card.
It is an easy step. A matter of copy and paste but I will explain that later.

Do the same with rotation if needed.
One your done. click back and find dump all button.
This will dump the position and rotation to local chat.

Copy what was dumped in local chat and paste it in the #pose config note card.
Save the note card and your done!

This kit costs 400L$ but once you buy it, you can add poses to any object.
(of course the object has to be mod ok)
Now I can start decorating my sky set with ths crates with pose in it.
I will post how things turned out later.
Until then, ciao xoxo.

have you ever had an occation where you found good looking chair or any kind of object but it does not have any script or pose/animatoin in it?
This happened to me several times and I was simply using a prim, change the shape to sphere, sit, and use poses from my inventory.
I got tired of doing this, so I thought it would be a good chance for me to step up to next level.
I'm not creator or wanting to be one so the best I would do is buy other people's creation and put them together.
The reason why I decided to do this was because I was not able to find a wooden crate with poses in it.
I wanted to buy them as a prop for my sky studio.
I found many full permission crates but not the one with poses.
then It occured to me that what if I can add poses to it myself?
I saw free wooden crate in Second Life Marketplace.
All I need was a script.

I searched through the marketplace and found "Multi Animations Sit Script System v.01 Builder's Kit Set".
This product let's you put as much pose/animation to an object.
Read the detail of the product and it sounded simple enough for me to use them.
I actually bought it and went through the process of adding poses to the free crates.
The Multi Animations Sit Script System v.01 Builder's Kit consists of instruction note card, 2 scripts, a configuration note cared, several textures which shows how this system works, and a bean bag as a sample.

First thing you have to do is add two scripts and a #pose config note card to the object contents.
Just simply drag and drop from the inventory.
Then add pose or animation to the content.
Instruction saids you can add as much pose/animation as you want.
After adding poses and scripts, click on the object.
You will be sitting on the object but most of the time, you will be sitting all wrong.
In this case, I'm half way inside the box.

As you sit, a dialog appears in the corner of the screen.
If the current pose is the one you want to set up, click the control button.
If the pose you want to set up is another pose, click the pose button and select the pose you want.
Let's say you have selected the pose you want to set up.
Clicking on a control button brings up next dialog.

Click rotation if the pose needs rotation.
Click position if the position needs to be adjusted.
In this case, all I need to do is adjust the postion.
Clicking on position or rotation shows you a dialog we are pretty much familar with.
Use this dialog to adjust the positon.
When done, click on set position.
Set position store the position in the memory.
The position in the memory will disappear when the object is taken back to the inventory.
Eventually the position has to be written to the note card.
It is an easy step. A matter of copy and paste but I will explain that later.

Do the same with rotation if needed.
One your done. click back and find dump all button.
This will dump the position and rotation to local chat.

Copy what was dumped in local chat and paste it in the #pose config note card.
Save the note card and your done!

This kit costs 400L$ but once you buy it, you can add poses to any object.
(of course the object has to be mod ok)
Now I can start decorating my sky set with ths crates with pose in it.
I will post how things turned out later.
Until then, ciao xoxo.
Posted by Oscar at 18:40│Comments(0)