Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Today I'm wearing different skin.
This one is Logo Infinity Cloe Hybrid Mesh Avatar.
Hybrid avatar is a combination of mesh head and regular body.
Full mesh body only allows you to wear clothing specifically made for the body.
Hybrid avatar can wear just about any kind of clothing that is out there.
If you are thinking of buying hybrid avatar
my recommendation is S@R Hybrid Avatar Nae from Snow Rabbit
or Logo Infinity Hybrid Mesh Avatar.
Both mesh head is very beautiful.
If you think S@R Nae is too oriental or too young
Logo Infinity Hybrid Mesh Avatar is the one you want.
Logo's mesh head has a western figure and looks more matured.
The great difference between these two hybrid avatar is the facial expression.
S@R nae facial expression is automatic.
It will blink and smile all by itself and looks very cute and lively.
Logo's hybrid avatar's facial expression is controlled with HUD.
This is very convenient when taking snapshot.
It was while back when I bought Logo's hybrid avatar.
I went back to the store to see if they have released new product.
I came to find out that they have updated the avatar I own.
Aside from update, they also released applier for Slink Mesh hand, Feet, Lolas Tango, and Phat Azz.
I got updated version from redelivery system and bought those appliers.

This was my first time buying a skin applier for Lolas Tango.
The connection between the mesh breast and body is almost seamless.

I also attached Phat Azz and applied the skin as well.
This is also a perfect match and can't tell the connection.
One thing I found out about applier for Slink Mesh hand is that If you own older version of mesh hand, which comes with wrist and hand in a different parts, this applier will not work.
You have to go to slink and get the latest version from redelivery system.
List of SLURL
Snow Rabbit

Today I'm wearing different skin.
This one is Logo Infinity Cloe Hybrid Mesh Avatar.
Hybrid avatar is a combination of mesh head and regular body.
Full mesh body only allows you to wear clothing specifically made for the body.
Hybrid avatar can wear just about any kind of clothing that is out there.
If you are thinking of buying hybrid avatar
my recommendation is S@R Hybrid Avatar Nae from Snow Rabbit
or Logo Infinity Hybrid Mesh Avatar.
Both mesh head is very beautiful.
If you think S@R Nae is too oriental or too young
Logo Infinity Hybrid Mesh Avatar is the one you want.
Logo's mesh head has a western figure and looks more matured.
The great difference between these two hybrid avatar is the facial expression.
S@R nae facial expression is automatic.
It will blink and smile all by itself and looks very cute and lively.
Logo's hybrid avatar's facial expression is controlled with HUD.
This is very convenient when taking snapshot.
It was while back when I bought Logo's hybrid avatar.
I went back to the store to see if they have released new product.
I came to find out that they have updated the avatar I own.
Aside from update, they also released applier for Slink Mesh hand, Feet, Lolas Tango, and Phat Azz.
I got updated version from redelivery system and bought those appliers.

This was my first time buying a skin applier for Lolas Tango.
The connection between the mesh breast and body is almost seamless.

I also attached Phat Azz and applied the skin as well.
This is also a perfect match and can't tell the connection.
One thing I found out about applier for Slink Mesh hand is that If you own older version of mesh hand, which comes with wrist and hand in a different parts, this applier will not work.
You have to go to slink and get the latest version from redelivery system.

List of SLURL
Snow Rabbit
Maitreya Hipster
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
Posted by Oscar at 00:23│Comments(0)