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Pink Friday

Hello everyone. Oscar Here again.
I finally found some time to sit in front of my PC to log into Second Life.
Today I can spend good 3 hours to shop and blog.
I usually start from my face shot, but today I tried something different lol
Pink Friday

I went to a store name RD Style.
Got a notice that this store is have a pink Friday sale.
A pink pair of jeans is only 80L$!
It certainly a good deal so I had to check it out.
Pink Friday

Pink Friday

I also found good looking set of jacket and shift.
Pink Friday

One thing I noticed is this store does not have demos
As many of you may already know, mesh products often have demo to see how it fits.


I had to take chances and buy this jeans and a set of shirt and jacket to see if those fit right.

Unfortunately, the mesh shirt did not go well with the jeans.
Pink Friday

I had to pull out a layer shirt to look like these snapshot.
I strongly hope that all the Second Life Clothes shops would at least make their basic clothes, such as pants, shirt, skirts compatible.
Pink Friday

Pink Friday

Another thing I noticed is that their product package does not come with any opening script. What I mean by this is that when opening a package, it has to be rezzed.
Like good old days, right click, and select open from the menu.
The set of shirt came in double package. When you buy it, You get an object that looks exactly like a vender, opening it gives you a bag. Have to rezz that bag and open it again. Kind of too troublesome to do this and I have to say it is an unnecessary redundancy.
Pink Friday

The bright side of this store is of course, Their products look good.
If I have to open the package twice and that is the only way to get it, I think I will do so. I love their products and I will go back again to shop some more. I hope they would make things easy for customer one day.

Jeans Mesh Pink_RD Style_Pink Friday
!Sneaker TONY pink / REDGRAVE (RPG0310001)

Maitreya Hipster
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
 Maitreya Hipster (2015-09-16 15:26)
 Alternative Skin (2015-09-14 00:37)
 Red Feather Dress (2015-09-12 22:50)
 Sexy Stripe Dress (2015-09-10 22:34)
 Blue Hoodie (2015-09-08 23:36)
 New Release TRUTH HAIR (2015-09-06 22:22)
Posted by Oscar at 10:53│Comments(0)shopping