Little Help Please
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.
I need a little help with Luck Inc Cute Azz.
I read the note card.
My body fat is 0 and also belly size is 0.
I tried ticking and unticking "alpha mask rendering".
I also tried tickng and unticking "render glow".
Nothing helped...
My viwer is Firestorm.
Windlight setting is CalWL.
If there is anyone out there who knows how to fix this gap between torso and mesh butt please leave comment.
I don't care if it is in Japanese or English.

I need a little help with Luck Inc Cute Azz.
I read the note card.
My body fat is 0 and also belly size is 0.
I tried ticking and unticking "alpha mask rendering".
I also tried tickng and unticking "render glow".
Nothing helped...
My viwer is Firestorm.
Windlight setting is CalWL.
If there is anyone out there who knows how to fix this gap between torso and mesh butt please leave comment.
I don't care if it is in Japanese or English.

Posted by Oscar at 21:33│Comments(0)