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New Dress from Blueberry

Hello everyone Oscar here again.

I'm no longer sure if I can say "here again" anymore because I'm not coming back to Second Life as often as I want to.
But anyway I was able to shop around tonight.

Coming back to Second Life after a long period of time
there were few bumps in the road until I was able to see things correctly in-world.
First of all, my Firestorm Viewer was outdated so I had to download/install new version.
After that, My mesh body (Maitreya Lara) was not showing correctly.
My right arm didn't load up.
I did all the imaginable things I can to fix it such as;

clean install
clearing inventory cash
rezzing the mesh body and taking it back to inventory
go to edit mode and select the body
I even deleted the mesh body from inventory and reopened the box

Dispite the effort, nothing worked...

I logged into Second Life with official viewer.
Luckily the official viewer did not show such glitch.
I wonder...
Is it Firestorms problem? Or am I missing something.
If you know anything about this, please leave comments.

First place I went to was Blueberry, one of my favorite shops.
They came up with this cute and sexy dress.
I chose Orange.
New Dress from Blueberry

After that, I stopped by few hair shops.
Eventually I bought his hair at Taketomi.

Lastly, I bought a pair of heels.
Bought this one at Maitreya. This shoes matches perfectly with the mesh body feet.
New Dress from Blueberry

Hair: [taketomi]_Brandi_Bento
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Dress: Blueberry - Sophia - Side Split Dress - Orange
Shoes: Maitreya Gold Liaison - White

Maitreya Hipster
Alternative Skin
Red Feather Dress
Sexy Stripe Dress
Blue Hoodie
New Release TRUTH HAIR
 Maitreya Hipster (2015-09-16 15:26)
 Alternative Skin (2015-09-14 00:37)
 Red Feather Dress (2015-09-12 22:50)
 Sexy Stripe Dress (2015-09-10 22:34)
 Blue Hoodie (2015-09-08 23:36)
 New Release TRUTH HAIR (2015-09-06 22:22)
Posted by Oscar at 03:13│Comments(0)shopping