Hello Everyone. Oscar here again.

There were few things I wanted to write in this article and thought for a while.
Eventually the title I cooked up was etc, etc lol.
The hair I'm wearing now is Truth Hilary - dark blondes (golden)
The reason why I wanted to write about this hair is because I struggled wearing this hair.
when I wore this hair, many script error showed up, and many of the hair parts did not appear.
I did everything I can in my knowledge to mitigate the problem.
Such as re-log, clear cache and re-log. Nothing in my knowledge were able to fix the problem.

Out of my wit's end, I wrote a note card to the customer service of "Truth"
Soon after, I got reply from the customer service with below link.
Basically, if there are so many mesh in your screen
default setting can not accommodate to show all the mesh.
Above link shows you how to increase the mesh buffer.
after changing the setting, I was able to see the whole thing.
Two thumbs up to the customer service of "Truth".
If you have notice a slight change in my avatar, you are a keen reader of my blog.
I bought extra make-up. To be specific, eye shadow and eye liner.
With the kind of clothes I'm wearing, I though my avatar needs more make-up.
This make up is specifically for this skin. If you are interested in the skin and make up I'm wearing
click below link. It will take you to a place where you can buy them.
Name of the shop is Snow Rabbit.

The dress I'm wearing is Indyra Originals Mesh;Rarity Bodycon- Cabaret
I wrote about this dress on the previous article. Please refer the the below link for detail.

Long story short, There is a little glitch in the alpha layer they have included.
I sent a note card if they can fix the glitch.
I still haven't got any reply from Indyra Originals. I hope they can reply to me soon.
There was another incident at Indyra Originals. I bought a gold bangle there.
I opened the box and did not believe what I saw. there was two scripts and a pose in there.
Those scripts are for extracting the content when clicking the object
and the other one is probably a script for a pose. The box comes in a form of gift box.
When you wear it, your avatar holds the box with both of the hands.
Where is my bangle??? The box was sent to me empty. I tried re-delivery station and got another box.
The second box I got was also empty.
I also wrote a note card about this issue as well. I wonder how long I would have to wait for them to reply.

There were few things I wanted to write in this article and thought for a while.
Eventually the title I cooked up was etc, etc lol.
The hair I'm wearing now is Truth Hilary - dark blondes (golden)
The reason why I wanted to write about this hair is because I struggled wearing this hair.
when I wore this hair, many script error showed up, and many of the hair parts did not appear.
I did everything I can in my knowledge to mitigate the problem.
Such as re-log, clear cache and re-log. Nothing in my knowledge were able to fix the problem.

Out of my wit's end, I wrote a note card to the customer service of "Truth"
Soon after, I got reply from the customer service with below link.
Basically, if there are so many mesh in your screen
default setting can not accommodate to show all the mesh.
Above link shows you how to increase the mesh buffer.
after changing the setting, I was able to see the whole thing.
Two thumbs up to the customer service of "Truth".
If you have notice a slight change in my avatar, you are a keen reader of my blog.
I bought extra make-up. To be specific, eye shadow and eye liner.
With the kind of clothes I'm wearing, I though my avatar needs more make-up.
This make up is specifically for this skin. If you are interested in the skin and make up I'm wearing
click below link. It will take you to a place where you can buy them.
Name of the shop is Snow Rabbit.

The dress I'm wearing is Indyra Originals Mesh;Rarity Bodycon- Cabaret
I wrote about this dress on the previous article. Please refer the the below link for detail.

Long story short, There is a little glitch in the alpha layer they have included.
I sent a note card if they can fix the glitch.
I still haven't got any reply from Indyra Originals. I hope they can reply to me soon.
There was another incident at Indyra Originals. I bought a gold bangle there.
I opened the box and did not believe what I saw. there was two scripts and a pose in there.
Those scripts are for extracting the content when clicking the object
and the other one is probably a script for a pose. The box comes in a form of gift box.
When you wear it, your avatar holds the box with both of the hands.
Where is my bangle??? The box was sent to me empty. I tried re-delivery station and got another box.
The second box I got was also empty.
I also wrote a note card about this issue as well. I wonder how long I would have to wait for them to reply.