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Boots from erratic

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I got a group notice from erratic that they are participating in the COLLABOR88 few days ago.
I tried to go there but sim was full.

Today I was able to enter the sim.

This is what I came for.

I believe this is the first footwear erratic has released.

I looked around the place and also decided to buy this one too.

I bought fat pack of the boots.
Today I wore brown.

Below is SLURL to the COLLABOR88

Posted by Oscar at 16:52Comments(0)shopping


HUD reset (Nae)

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I came to find out that the HUD of Snow Rabbit Hybrid Avatar Nae errors once in a while.
This error has never ocurred to me, but it seems like fair amount of people have experienced it.

To mitigate the issue, Snow Rabbit has updated the HUD and it is availabe from the update vender located at the front entrance of the main store.

I also have heard that there are people who can not find update card in their inventory.
There is a little trick.
If you do this, you will get the card. If you still don't, you're out of luck.
Send note card to the creator.

It's pretty easy.
Find the unpacked S@R Hybrid Avatar Nae and instead of wearing it, rezz it on the ground.
Instead of clicking it to unpack, right click and open pie menu.
Select open and copy the content to your inventory.
The new folder should contain the update card.

I don't know why the card was not included when I unpacked it by wearing and clicking
but I did find it by going the old way.
The instruction of how to find the update card if it is not in your folder is also written in the official Snow Rabbit support webpage.

Once you have the update card with you, teleport to the main store of Snow Rabbit.

Wear the update card.
Find the update vender. It is right by the main enterance.
All you have to do is click on the update vender.

Update vender will give you the latest version of the whole package.
If you own Fat pack, the latest version of fat pack will be sent to you.
This new package includes the updated HUD.

The difference between the previous HUD and this one is the permission.
Modify is enabled with this one, so you can reset the HUD yourself.

For an experienced Secod Life resident, resetting script is an easy task.
But not everyone knows how ,so here is how to do it.
I'm using Nirans Viewer today so the interface could be a little different from the official viewer
but the concept is the same so I'm sure you will be albe to figure out how to do it with the official viewer easily.

Firest wear the HUD.

Right click on the HUD and select edit from the pie menu.

The edit window will appear.

Once the HUD is selected as a target to be edited, go to the pull down menu at the top and follow the path in the screenshot and click reset script.

The scrip gets reset and you will see the process in a window.

If you see this, your done.

I hope this would be a help to beginners who needs detailed instruction.


Posted by Oscar at 11:49Comments(0)diary