Weather Control!
Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

Long time ago, someone said whoever can control the weather can win a war.
I don't know about the war, but controlling weather is very much possible in Second Life.
I bought a weather control system.
I know there are many expensive once, but this one is not.
It costs only 450L$ but controls rain, snow, and thunder.
This system only covers small range but it is just right for what I want to use for.
This is heavy rain. there is also a setting for light rain as well.
This is heavy snow. Same as the rain, there is setting for heavy and light snow.

Thunder and lightning are very realistic too.
Name of the product is Best Weather Box.
I found it in Second Life Marketplace.
Below is URL

Long time ago, someone said whoever can control the weather can win a war.
I don't know about the war, but controlling weather is very much possible in Second Life.
I bought a weather control system.
I know there are many expensive once, but this one is not.
It costs only 450L$ but controls rain, snow, and thunder.
This system only covers small range but it is just right for what I want to use for.
This is heavy rain. there is also a setting for light rain as well.

This is heavy snow. Same as the rain, there is setting for heavy and light snow.

Thunder and lightning are very realistic too.
Name of the product is Best Weather Box.
I found it in Second Life Marketplace.
Below is URL