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Mesh Knit Cap

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

November is coming to an end and the season of snow is gradually coming to our town.
I remembered that ARGRACE has released very good looking beanie with hair.

Dug into my inventory and pulled out this down-jacket I bought last winter at +grasp+.
Stopped by DeeTalez and bought a gray skinny jeans to wear with this jacket and the beanie.

Grabbed this pink sneaker from inventory.

*ARGRACE* Ribbed beanie/Yvonne - Baby Blonde
+grasp+ Fur hooded down jacket/Pink/Womens
DeeTaleZ Pants MESH Skinny Jeans dirty
- Sneakers TONY - Pink / REDGRAVE  

Posted by Oscar at 20:00Comments(0)shopping


1bp Sweater Shirt

Hello everyone. Osca here again.

I stoppe by One Bad Pixel.
A mesh clothing shop located in the same sim as Slink.

I don't have this yet this yet..
Wonder when these same out

::1bp:: Sweater Blouse Chenille BP Pink
Maitreya Mesh Zipper Skinny Jeans *#5
[Decoy] Lea Pumps - Brown/Tan  

Posted by Oscar at 05:05Comments(0)shopping


New Releas (Blueberry)

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

A quick post of a new release from Blueberry.

Blueberry Lyla *Mesh* Sweater Dress with Belt Purple

Boots is from Maitreya
Maitreya Mesh Radical Boots *Suede purpleTaupe

Oh! I almost forgot.
This dress comes with Lolas Tango Applier.

Posted by Oscar at 14:30Comments(0)shopping


VIntage Leather Jacket

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I went to GizzA to check out their recent items.
When I went there last time, which was way back, They only had few mesh product.
Now The store is filled with lots of mesh clothing.

Their latest release is this vintage jacket and pants.
Jacket looks awesome!

The pants is also very realistic, but I prefer jeans so I just bought the jacket this time.

Jacket: GizzA Vintage Leather Jacket [Brown]
Tanktop: [BUKKA]tank top :::olive:::
Jeans: DeeTaleZ MESH Skinny Jeans blue
Boots: Opium LAD Mesh Jess Boots RedBrownSands  

Posted by Oscar at 22:36Comments(0)shopping


Mesh Loose Jeans

Hello everyone. Oscar here again.

I came to DeeTaleZ.
This store became one of my favorite after I shopped here few times.
This shop has just about everything you need for the Second Life fashion.

DeeTalez has released new mesh jeans.
I tired it on and loved it!
Today I decided to buy black.

I also bought loose sweater to wear with this jeans.

DeeTaleZ Tops MESH Loose Sweater black letters
DeeTaleZ Pants loose Low-rise Jeans black
{mon tissue} Favorite Leatehr Flats ~ Black

Posted by Oscar at 04:57Comments(0)shopping